I am too serious.
There I said it. Seriously, sometimes I'll be watching a movie, like Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark, and my brother will be enjoying the intrigue of the movie and I'll be talking about how the ark of the covenant would not contain God or any spirits. (It never held God at any time, however...oh man there I go again.)
I need to lighten up.
And God knows it.

Depending on your personality, maybe He's saying that to you too. A lot of us are so focused on our work that we never take time to just enjoy life and laugh. Here are some ideas of stuff to do when that happens:
- Babysit a toddler and play with them. Life is so exciting and beautiful from their eyes.
- Take a walk with no destination in mind and just let your mind wander.
- Get on a swing. It sounds ridiculous but it is incredibly calming.
- Take a friend out for coffee and just listen to them. Look for Jesus in them.
- Watch a show that makes you laugh until you can't breathe - but never alone.
- Sing karaoke with your family.
- Cuddle up in a blanket with a book and some hot chocolate.
- Dance! Dance alone, with a friend, or with God.

These are certainly not all - these are only the ones that work for me. God knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows what we need to lighten up. As Christians, we should be free and full of joy - filled with the love from our Creator and Savior! So let's be serious about living life joyfully and freely like God intended. :)
so well said! Life goes by too quickly. I'm going to look for, and experience a joy-filled moment every day, if just for 1 minute. Even giving of one's time, to help a fellow human being, can bring an incredible amount of joy.