I just don't know what to write about.
There was nothing especially mind-blowing that I learned in the Bible today.
Or during my time in the laundromat or at McDonald's.
Most bloggers (blog-writers, bloggists, blogsters?) have these life experiences that are pretty cool and then they write them down and tell what God taught them from this life experience.
Um...well, at the laundromat I read Blue Like Jazz in between folding clothes. I held the door open for someone and they said thanks. I enjoyed a cool refreshing milkshake in this monstrous heat. Ooh, maybe the heat reminded me of hell and the milkshake was a reminder of God saving me from hell...? Oh boy.
You know what this all reminds me of? A story our youth pastor told us about two months ago. It's this story about a boy and a ball of magic yarn...no seriously...you can read it here. This little boy wanted to skip all the boring parts in his life where he'd have to wait. But when he did that he lost all the important life lessons and ruined his relationships with other people.
The boring uneventful times of our lives may not be the greatest, but they are the times for building character and relationships. And you know, it's a good thing too, or else we'd just be going and going and going. Uneventful days can sometimes be a real blessing. :)
So I guess the moral of this little blog is enjoy the ordinary uneventful days, make the most of them, because God has a bigger plan for you than just extraordinary days.
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