Oct 6, 2009

Are We Emphasizing Eros Too Much???

Pretty much every music genre, every movie, TV show, and conversation seems to have romance in it. If you don't have a boy/girlfriend you might as well be dead according to culture. Romantic love (we'll call it by the Greek word "Eros" because of the extremely vague definition of 'love' in the English language) seems to be the main focus of everyone's life.

"There are some pretty strong messages sent by effervescent, talented, self-assured artists who identify so intently with lost love [Eros]...romantic love is the only thing in life worth having. If I don't have romantic love, I don't have anything. Or worse; if I don't have romantic love, I'm nothing." - Adam R. Holz "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" http://www.pluggedin.com/en/upfront/2009/BreakingUpIsHardtoDoTheRomanticAngstofTeenPop.aspx

"My world's nothing when you're gone" -Jordin Sparks's Battlefield

"Can't be with or without you/O Oh O Oh.../Hard as I try I know I can't quit/Something about you is so addictive" -Demi Lovato Here We Go Again

Please don't think that I'm jumping to conclusions and saying everyone should be a nun/monk or that Eros isn't important. I'm just wondering (not stating) if we are putting too much focus on it? What's your opinion?


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